Kitchen Styling


Kitchen Styling


In a time when the world is in turmoil, it’s never been a better time to turn your inner-world - your home, into your sanctuary - your place of refuge, beauty and love. I don’t know about you, but we’ve been feeling the need to clean out every cupboard, restyle and rearrange furniture and organise our home studio. There’s something cleansing about removing the old, refreshing your home and welcoming all of these changes with a new-found energy that comes with great change.

We don’t want to add to the noise of the news and bulletins, instead we hope to inspire you with simple ways you can give some extra love to your home and what better place to start than the kitchen.

We hope this time allows you greater connection with your family, fun cook-ups trying out new recipes and making time for you.

From us to you - we are sending you all so much love.

Jess & Judy x

Verandah House Pantry Kitchen Styling


Packaged goods can make your pantry feel messy and unorganised. Replace packets with clear lidded jars and create your own custom labels. You can purchase your own labels from Etsy, this is also a great way to support small businesses right now.

Here’s our top pick

Store your wooden chopping boards, trays and cheese boards in rattan baskets. We love the Beachcomber Collection from Pottery Barn.


Coming up with creative ways to store your utensils and pots is having a resurgence in kitchen styling as we are wanting a more collected, homely environment to share meal times and make memories with our families. Try storing your kitchen utensils in jars, baskets on bench-tops and hanging your pots on a brass rack in your butler’s pantry or above your cooktop.


Butler’s pantries have never looked so good. From secret doors to ladders, perfect for those hard to reach places. We love the mix of closed and open storage, a great way to display your favourite jars and crockery with space to hide the less beautiful items below.



Styling your kitchen can be simple and also useful. At our Ascot Project, we stored utensils in a vintage blue and white jar. We used a rattan tray to cluster everyday condiments like Olive Oil, Salt & Pepper.

We used ceramic pots to display fresh greenery or flowers cut from the garden. We used a vintage platter to add height to our vignette however you could also display your favourite cookbooks that work with your colour palette.

Styling with blue and white jars, rattan trays, chopping boards, ceramic pots and lasting greenery like orchids are simple styling pieces that can really dress up your kitchen.

When styling client’s kitchens we often rummage through their cupboards and take off the dust-cover of old cookbooks to reveal beautiful colours underneath, find jars or trays we can use to style or use their lemons, limes and fruit to place in bowls. You would be surprised what you have, that you can repurpose and restyle for a new look.